December 15th, 2018. 29 students from 11 different departments of the Democritus University of Thrace meet in Alexandroupolis. The city where the idea for the first TEDxDUTH was created. The idea aimed at eliminating distances between the four cities that DUI consists of. At the first meeting, the idea of a theme came up that will shape everything you will see. ” Atom ” or ” άτομον”, in Greek, in honor of Democritus. It is a concept that will be both scientifically and anthropocentrically centered by the 9 speakers on October 19th.
The first TEDxDUTH team stated:
“10 months of preparation and about a month before everything gets in shape, if one asks how easy it is to organize such an event from distance, the answer is not at all. But it was worth every minute. Every minute of tiredness, every minute of pressure and difficulty. After 10 months of preparation these 28 people stop to be your team. They become your friends. A family that grew up with the 60 volunteers without whom we could not turn into reality the first TEDxDUTH. And it continues to grow with each and every one of you showing his support in this endeavor. With the support of the Democritus University of Thrace, our scientific supervisor Rafael Saladatzopoulos helped us immensely and was our ally in every obstacle.
The closer we get to the implementation of the first TEDx at Democritus University of Thrace, the more we learn that with an idea and some smiles, everything is possible. Counting on the big day of the event we want to prove that the atom is finally cut, and his many different, scattered pieces are his strength.»
Ticketmaster announces that it is the official ticketing provider of the first TEDxDUTH.
The audience will be able to use our state-of-the-art technology to purchase tickets. Specifically, fans will be able to:
- choose their favorite seats from the available seats in the seating map
- receive their tickets digitally and decide to either print it or save it on their mobile phone. Regardless of the way they choose, they had all the necessary information regarding the venue etc.
Learn more about e-tickets.
Stefanos Kakarantzas, Ticketmaster Hellas’ COO, commented:
“With a very interesting theme-the atom- and a lot of will power to cooperate, the students joined forces and created their first TEDx. When you see young people strive for a better future despite of the obstacles and the difficulties of our time, you cannot help but smile and feel proud for them. The Ticketmaster Family welcomes you with open arms and hopes for the next TEDxDUTH events!»
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